Фризер бесплатно ги средува лондонските бездомници (ФОТО)

Лондонскиот фризер Џошуа Кумс беспалтно ги шиша и бричи бездомниците , а потоа фортографиите од нив пред и потоа ги споделува на Инстаграм.

Освен што физички ги средува, 31 годишниот фризер и зборува со нив , ги слуша нивните мислења и им помага. Нивната насмевка по трансформацијата е најдобра потврда дека на бездомниците не им требало многу.

I’ll never stop opening my heart to new people... A stranger who became a brother to me. Cedric died last year, aged 45. I’m forever grateful for the connection we shared. I first met Cedric in Paris in 2017. At the time, he’d been sleeping on the street for three years. He had a handwritten sign - ‘Vote for me in 2020’ - As soon as I said hello, a big smile appeared. An hour later, I’m handing Cedric the mirror to see his new hairdo. We hung out all day there, listening to punk music and swapping stories. Here’s some of Cedric’s words - “I lived in London for some years with my girlfriend. I remember the carnivals so well, I loved my time there. I wanted to stay in London, but when my girlfriend and I broke up, I came back to Paris. That’s when things went downhill… I had a job at a library. It didn’t pay much but I enjoyed it. One day, I found out the library was closing. We lost our jobs. The rent on my place had already gone up. I started drinking more. I can see now I was depressed...I stopped caring. It wasn’t long before I spent my first night outside. A few months later, I visited Cedric again. After a big hug, I noticed Cedric had a black eye - "There’s so many good people in the day, but at night it can change...There's a bar over there that stays open really late. There was a fight with two men and a woman. It's my fault for saying something, when I did, I got punched.” Cedric had a meeting for some help to get into a room a few days prior. He attended but didn't hear back - "I'm trying and always listening for places, it's not easy. Any weeks with a step forward usually comes with more steps back. I never planned to be here...I hope one day there is another chapter. The third time I visited was different. A mural, painted by the amazing @christianguemy for a beautiful soul, no longer with us. I'm going to continue to make people visible the best I can. I know Cédric would have liked that he played a big part in giving others light also. Making mistakes is human. I don’t forget that. I've seen how love can change people. Listen to The Clash and keep dancing my brother. #DoSomethingForNothing

A post shared by Joshua Coombes (@joshuacoombes) on

Целта му е да ја подигне свеста за бездомниците , дека и тие се човечки суштества со судбина што ги натерала на таков живот.

Whilst in Paris recently, I walked back to the same street where I once visited my late friend, Cedric. I always go back to this spot when I’m in the city. One street away from where he used to sleep, I met Florin. Florin came to Paris from Romania late last year. He’s worked in construction jobs for most of his life, but recently, steady employment became difficult, so he left for job opportunities elsewhere. He only spoke a small amount of English. But thankfully, one of Jaz’s (@theworldwidetribe) good friends, Joanna, is Romanian, so she help us communicate over the phone. When Florin came to Paris, things took an unexpected turn... He experienced a stroke that left him in hospital for a week. When he woke, Florin no longer had his passport or phone with him and had no memory of what happened... Without his documents, He had no way to travel back home so began sleeping on the streets... When we met Florin, he was waiting for an appointment with the Embassy of Romania and was in limbo for the foreseeable. Florin told us what makes him happy in life. It was was so good to meet that day. His warmth really shone through as we spent more time together. So much so that he insisted that we visit him in Romania when he manages to get back there. One realistic goal we can all have is to be more aware and present for those around us who might feel isolated. I saw the difference it made in Florin that someone noticed him and listened. Nothing should get in the way of the connection you can make with another human being and the potential is has to help them and, in turn, help yourself. #DoSomethingForNothing

A post shared by Joshua Coombes (@joshuacoombes) on

Откако дознал дека минатата година 50 бездомници починале на улиците на Лондон , фризерот решил некако да им помогне.

This is Michaël, 34 years old. Agy (@laruetourne) introduced us in Les Halles, Paris. The first night Michaël spent sleeping on the street was at sixteen years old. Struggles and conflicts with his stepfather forced him to leave home at an early age. Michaël found a place to stay long enough to complete some training as a plumber. He worked doing this for a while, but it became difficult for him to get new contracts so he worked odd jobs in building sites and restaurants to get by. We asked Michaël where he stayed during these periods. “I always tried to go back home, but it was never easy there. It was always a bad atmosphere. One of my sisters moved away from Paris when she was younger and I’ve never had a good relationship with my half-sister, or half-brother. It was especially difficult with my stepfather, we never had got along well… He had a disliking for me from the start. Nobody was really present for one another in my family so I’ve had to find a life elsewhere.” - Michaël’s right hand was paralyzed recently. It looked in a bad way. I asked him about what had happened. - “I had a dog for fourteen years. She was my family but she was taken away from me. Somebody abducted her. I still had hope that I would see her again... I filed a report with the police, but they couldn’t find her. This happened the night I found out. I did this to myself.” - You could feel how much pain Michaël carried with him. But through this, there was a real warmth. It’s crazy to think that this guy has been on the streets for half of his life and still has a genuine smile to give. @laruetourne @theworldwidetribe @gotvitaminc and I all hung out together with Michaël for hours on that street in Les Halles that day. Going out to give your time to @dosomethingforrnothing doesn’t completely fix someone’s problems, but I’ll argue anybody on the importance of the smiles and laughs we shared. That is hope. Hope is important. Find me a person who doesn’t need it at some stage of their life. #DoSomethingForNothing

A post shared by Joshua Coombes (@joshuacoombes) on

Тој покренал акција,,Направете нешто бесплатно” , каде очекува да му се придружат активисти за помош на лондонските бездомници.

This is David, 54 years old. We met recently near London Bridge. It was rush hour and David was sat on the ground, not far away from the train station. As I walked by, he looked up and gave me smile and nodded. I sat down next to him and we began talking - “See over there.” David said, pointing down the street - “That’s Guys Hospital, I was born in there. I’ve always been a Londoner. I grew up here and worked in and around this city for my entire life. This is one chapter that I couldn’t have foreseen... I had my own business. We cleaned up the big buildings and sprayed them down like new before they were refurbished. There were some big contracts for a while. I had a loving family also. My children have all grown up have their own lives now... my wife and I drifted apart recently. It all changed after that day, a couple years back. The day of the accident. It hasn’t been the same since...I was driving one night. We’d been visiting family outside of London and my daughter and her children were in the car also. We had a collision on a fast road. It all happened so fast. I won’t go into all of it... it hurts.” I could feel the pain in David begin to bubble to the surface. But also there was an honesty and a clarity in the way he was speaking - “l’ve confronted some feelings while I’ve been out here. I’m not happy I’m on streets. There’s no way I could’ve seen myself sitting out here. No way. But you know I’m what... It sounds stupid, but maybe I’m where I’m supposed to be right now. It’s shown me a different part of life. It’s opened up a different part inside of me.” When I finished cutting David’s hair, he insisted on walking me to my train platform. We hugged and David smiled and said - “You know what Josh, I think we brought back the art of conversation just then.” #DoSomethingForNothing

A post shared by Joshua Coombes (@joshuacoombes) on

Далас избори конференциско финале

Кошаркарите на Далас маверикс ноќеска ја совладаа Оклахома со 117:116 во шестиот натпревар од второто коло на плејофот на НБА. Маверикс ја добија серијата со 4:2.

Гостите во повеќе наврати имаа двоцифрена предност, два пати во третата четвртина имаа +17, но и тоа не беше доволно да се изборат за мајсторка.

Најдобар играч во победничкиот тим беше Лука Дончиќ кој оствари трипл-дабл: 29 поени, 10 скока и 10 асистенции.

Во финалето на Западната конференција Далас ќе игра со победникот од двојката Денвер – Минесота (3:3).

Вечер од 21:30 часот по македонско време, Њујорк ја пречекува Индијана во одлучувачкиот седми натпревар од четвртфиналната пресметка во Источната конференција. /МИА

ЦУК: Поплавени подруми и гаража во охридско од поројниот дожд

Поројниот дожд во текот на изминатото деноноќие предизвикал поплавување на подруми и гаража на две куќи на ул. „Стив Наумов“ во Охрид, соопшти Центарот за управување со кризи (ЦУК).

-Регионалниот ЦУК Охрид известил дека добиле пријави од граѓани за поплавување на подруми и гаража на две куќи на ул. „Стив Наумов“, во Охрид. Од страна на Општина Охрид е контактирано со ЈП „Нискоградба“ и ЈП „Колекторски систем“ бидејќи колекторскиот систем не можел да ја прими во целост количината на вода поради обилните врнежи од дожд. За кратко време состојбата е санирана, соопшти ЦУК.

Во изминатото деноноќие, како што информираат од ЦУК, биле евидентирани три пожари на отворено.

Регионалниот ЦУК Скопје соопштил дека БППЗ на Град Скопје во изминатото деноноќие имала две помали интервенции поради запалено ѓубре и тоа на ул. „Ферид Заири“ во Општина Чаир и кај Езерото Треска во Општина Сарај.

Регионалниот ЦУК Тетово известил дека ТППЕ Тетово имала една помала интервенција поради запалена ниска вегетација кај село Чифлик во Општина Желино.

Центарот за управување со кризи соопшти дека изминатите 24 часа имало вкупно 1 491 повици на Единствениот повикувачки број за итни случаи 112. Од нив „реални“ повици биле 62,84 отсто, а 37,16 отсто биле за други потреби на граѓаните што не биле итни. Кон полиција биле упатени 63,18 отсто, кон итната медицинска помош 29,09 проценти, кон пожарникарите 2,73 отсто, a кон АМСМ 1,36 отсто од повиците кон бројот 112.

Од ЦУК апелираат до граѓаните за голема внимателност при појава на локалните нагли метео промени и особена внимателност при грмежите и молњите, односно при силните електрични празнења. Граѓаните да не се престојуваат на отворен простор и под осамени дрвја.

Приведен дилер во Битола за издржување затворска казна

Полициски службеници од СВР Битола, ноќеска во 00:20 часот, на ул.„Охридска“ во Битола  го лишиле од слобода триесет и шестгодишниот битолчанец И.М.

Како што соопшти МВР, тој бил баран по централна потерница врз основа на наредба од Основен суд Битола за издржување казна затвор од една година за сторено кривично дело „неовластено производство и пуштање во промет на наркотични дроги, психотропни супстанци и прекурзори“.

Лицето било спроведено во Казнено – поправната установа Затвор Битола за издржување на казната.

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